
Config = {}

Config.Framework = "newqb"        -- newqb / oldqb | newqb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
Config.Mysql = "oxmysql"          -- Check fxmanifest.lua when you change it! |  oxmysql / mysql-async

Config.OpenMenuKey = 38           -- Which key to open the menu (38 = E)
Config.NextContainerOpenTime = 30 -- minutes

Config.NotifyFunction = function(msg, type)
    QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type)

Config.Containers = {
        id = 1,                                       -- IDs must be different and sequential
        name = "Container",                           -- Name to be shown on the map
        model = `prop_container_05a`,                 -- 3D model of the container please don't touch here if you don't know what you are doing !!!!
        coordinate = vector3(-2099.69, -433.38, 8.5), -- Location where the container will spawn
        price = 1000,                                 -- The money to be withdrawn from the player's account when it is opened
        items = {
            -- The chance sum of items in the container must be 100 !!! VERY IMPORTANT
                name = "M4A1-S | Cyrex",          -- Name to be displayed when won
                img = "./images/items/item.png",  -- Image to be displayed in the menu
                type = "uncommon",                -- "uncommon, rare, epic, legendary" You can organise it according to the rarity rate, very rare items are recommended to be "legendary"
                itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle", -- Item name to be given
                itemType = "weapon",              -- "weapon, money, vehicle, air, item"
                itemCount = 1,                    -- How many of these items will be given
                chance = 5                        -- It is important that the chance of winning the item is calculated out of 100 example (5 = 5%)
            { name = "AMMO LEGENDARY", img = "./images/items/item-ammo.png", type = "legendary", itemName = "pistol_ammo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 20, chance = 5 },
            { name = "LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/lockpick.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "lockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 40 },
            { name = "ADVANCED LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/advancedlockpick.png", type = "rare", itemName = "advancedlockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ADVANCED REPAIR KIT", img = "./images/items/advancedkit.png", type = "epic", itemName = "advancedrepairkit", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "BINOCULARS", img = "./images/items/binoculars.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "binoculars", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ENGINE PARTS", img = "./images/items/engine_parts_a.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "veh_turbo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "MONEY ($10.000)", img = "./images/items/money.png", type = "rare", itemName = "Money", itemType = "money", itemCount = 10000, chance = 5 },
            { name = "MONEY ($100.000)", img = "./images/items/moneybag.png", type = "epic", itemName = "Money", itemType = "money", itemCount = 100000, chance = 5 },
                name = "ZENTORNO SUPERCAR",
                img = "./images/items/vehicle.png",
                type = "legendary",
                itemName = "zentorno",
                itemType = "vehicle",
                itemCount = 1,
                itemGarage = "pillboxgarage", -- set only "vehicle or air"
                chance = 20
        id = 2,
        name = "Container",
        model = `prop_container_05a`,
        coordinate = vector3(-2111.24, -433.38, 8.5),
        price = 2000,
        items = {
            { name = "M4A1-S | Cyrex", img = "./images/items/item.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle", itemType = "weapon", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "AMMO LEGENDARY", img = "./images/items/item-ammo.png", type = "legendary", itemName = "pistol_ammo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 20, chance = 5 },
            { name = "LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/lockpick.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "lockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 40 },
            { name = "ADVANCED LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/advancedlockpick.png", type = "rare", itemName = "advancedlockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ADVANCED REPAIR KIT", img = "./images/items/advancedkit.png", type = "epic", itemName = "advancedrepairkit", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "BINOCULARS", img = "./images/items/binoculars.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "binoculars", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ENGINE PARTS", img = "./images/items/engine_parts_a.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "veh_turbo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "MONEY ($10.000)", img = "./images/items/money.png", type = "rare", itemName = "Money", itemType = "money", itemCount = 10000, chance = 5 },
            { name = "MONEY ($100.000)", img = "./images/items/moneybag.png", type = "epic", itemName = "Money", itemType = "money", itemCount = 100000, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ZENTORNO SUPERCAR", img = "./images/items/vehicle.png", type = "legendary", itemName = "zentorno", itemType = "vehicle", itemCount = 1, itemGarage = "pillboxgarage", chance = 20 }
        id = 3,
        name = "Container",
        model = `prop_container_05a`,
        coordinate = vector3(-2130.24, -433.38, 8.5),
        price = 5000,
        items = {
            { name = "ZENTORNO SUPERCAR", img = "./images/items/vehicle.png", type = "legendary", itemName = "zentorno", itemType = "vehicle", itemCount = 1, itemGarage = "pillboxgarage", chance = 20 },
            { name = "M4A1-S | Cyrex", img = "./images/items/item.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle", itemType = "weapon", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/lockpick.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "lockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 40 },
            { name = "ADVANCED LOCKPICK", img = "./images/items/advancedlockpick.png", type = "rare", itemName = "advancedlockpick", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ADVANCED REPAIR KIT", img = "./images/items/advancedkit.png", type = "epic", itemName = "advancedrepairkit", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "AMMO LEGENDARY", img = "./images/items/item-ammo.png", type = "legendary", itemName = "pistol_ammo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 20, chance = 5 },
            { name = "BINOCULARS", img = "./images/items/binoculars.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "binoculars", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "ENGINE PARTS", img = "./images/items/engine_parts_a.png", type = "uncommon", itemName = "veh_turbo", itemType = "item", itemCount = 1, chance = 5 },
            { name = "MONEY ($100.000)", img = "./images/items/moneybag.png", type = "epic", itemName = "Money", itemType = "money", itemCount = 100000, chance = 10 },

Config.Translate = {
    logoText = "CONTAINER OPENING",
    openMenu = "Press E to open the menu.",
    lockedCloseError = "You cannot close the menu while the roller is running!",
    countdownNotOver = "The countdown of the container is not over!",
    hasBeenOpened = "This container has been opened!",
    youCanEarnThese = "YOU CAN EARN THESE",
    openWithCash = "OPEN WITH CASH",
    openWithBank = "OPEN WITH BANK",
    lastEarned = "LAST EARNED",
    cong = "Congratulations",
    congDescText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit laborum natus ullam vitae.",
    timeRemaining = "TIME REMAINING",
    timeRemainingDescText = "Wait for the time limit to reset to be able to buy this container.",
    hours = "Hours",
    minutes = "Minutes",
    seconds = "Seconds",
    timeExpired = "Time expired!",
    timeExpiredDescText = "Container can now be opened.",


Last updated