Config = {}
Config.Framework = "newqb" -- newqb / oldqb | newqb = export system | oldqb = triggerevent system
Config.ServerWait = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- 5 minutes data update
Config.ClientWait = 6 * 60 * 1000 -- 6 minutes data update
Config.MaxPlayerCount = 200
Config.DiscordLink = ""
Config.YoutubeLink = ""
Config.NotifyFunction = function(msg, type)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, type)
Config.OpenInventoryFunction = function()
Config.Announcements = {
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
Config.MiniGames = {
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
link = "",
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
Config.Translate = {
money = "MONEY",
job = "JOB",
yourPlayTime = "YOUR PLAY TIME",
onlinePlayers = "ONLINE PLAYERS",
quitGame = "QUIT GAME",
resume = "RESUME",
announcements = "ANNOUNCEMENTS",
map = "MAPS",
mapDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
inventory = "INVENTORY",
inventoryDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
settings = "SETTINGS",
settingsDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
miniGames = "MINI GAMES",
miniGamesDesc = "Enjoy legendary games and experience nostalgia.",
play = "PLAY",
joinToCommunity = "JOIN TO COMMUNITY",
discordJoin = "DISCORD <br /> JOIN",
youtubeJoin = "YOUTUBE <br /> JOIN"
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "newEsx" -- esx / newEsx | esx = triggerevent system | newEsx = export system
Config.ServerWait = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- 5 minutes data update
Config.ClientWait = 6 * 60 * 1000 -- 6 minutes data update
Config.MaxPlayerCount = 200
Config.DiscordLink = ""
Config.YoutubeLink = ""
Config.NotifyFunction = function(msg, type)
Config.OpenInventoryFunction = function()
Config.Announcements = {
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
title = "Digital Dragons Indie Celebration",
description = "The Digital Dragons Indie celebration is now live on Steam, with dozens of demos, live-streams, and a collection of games, hand-picked by the Digital Dragons jury and available on Steam.",
date = "04.07.2024",
Config.MiniGames = {
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
link = "",
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
title = "HEXTRIS",
link = "",
Config.Translate = {
money = "MONEY",
job = "JOB",
yourPlayTime = "YOUR PLAY TIME",
onlinePlayers = "ONLINE PLAYERS",
quitGame = "QUIT GAME",
resume = "RESUME",
announcements = "ANNOUNCEMENTS",
map = "MAPS",
mapDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
inventory = "INVENTORY",
inventoryDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
settings = "SETTINGS",
settingsDesc = "Here you can find all <br /> project location marks.",
miniGames = "MINI GAMES",
miniGamesDesc = "Enjoy legendary games and experience nostalgia.",
play = "PLAY",
joinToCommunity = "JOIN TO COMMUNITY",
discordJoin = "DISCORD <br /> JOIN",
youtubeJoin = "YOUTUBE <br /> JOIN"
Last updated